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North Peace Secondary School (NPSS) serves a population of over 1100 students from a wide socio-economic background. As the only senior High School in the area, the facility houses all of the special programs including Senior Alternate, Assigned Time, Life Skills, and Modified Essential Learning. NPSS officially opened in September of 1989 replacing the old building and relocating to a new location. In 2002 the school opened an additional wing to help with the increasing enrollments. In 2011, NPSS opened its new Campus at the Pomeroy Sports Center called the Energetic Learning Center. The ELC offers students the opportunity to learn in individualized, project-based ways.


Why North Peace Secondary School

  • Facilities: North Peace is a beautiful, two-storey structure which, with its open and naturally lit upper floor hallways, resembles the modern mall-type of setting. NPSS is a modern facility in every respect offering a full automotive program, construction program, and welding and metal fabrication program. With regards to technology, NPSS has over 200 computers with up-to-date, industry-standard software, and over 350 Chrome Books laptops that students can use during classes.
  • Course variety: North Peace has a large population of students who partake in Work Experience, Apprenticeship, or Dual Credit Programs. Annually, within the Arts Programs, the school presents a major musical that involves over 100 students and staff and showcases the students’ many talents.
  • Athletics: The objective of extracurricular athletics at North Peace is to foster a healthy appreciation for competitive sport, individuals and team. Specifically, the program aims for the pursuit of excellence in the areas of accountability, integrity, and respect while fostering a healthy appreciation for sportsmanship, competition, and skill development.

Our Programes

Program Description

In grade 10, students explore the arts, Canadian and world studies, classical studies, international languages, health and physical education, mathematics, native languages, native studies, fundamentals of sciences, social sciences and humanities, and technological education.

Admission Requirements

  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 9
  • Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades

Program Description

In grade 11, students explore the arts, Canadian and world studies, classical studies, computer studies, international languages, health and physical education, interdisciplinary studies, mathematics, native languages, native studies, the sciences (biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, and physics), social sciences and humanities, and technological education.

Admission Requirements

  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 10
  • Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades

Program Description

In grade 12, students explore the arts, Canadian and world studies, classical studies, computer studies, international languages, health and physical education, interdisciplinary studies, mathematics, native languages, native studies, the sciences (biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, and physics), social sciences and humanities, and technological education.

Admission Requirements

  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 11
  • Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades